My Blogs

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Cover Up

by SRJ

Lord, please build my self-esteem
The cover of my false identity has been removed.
The cover up has released its grip.
I am faced with the reality of me.
Help me not to loose my promise!

In a world where everyone is trying to obtain the perfect look...
To be the next top model in our own right
Or Being super fly overnight
Nip tuck; add a little here, add a little there does this look alright?

We find ourselves searching for the right color (hair, skin and nails)
By way of tanning, bleaching, and painting
What will help me look my best and feel my best? 
What will be my very best cover up and hide my flaws?

Help me not to reveal the errors in my life
The scars of my past and the horrors of my present
I want to look like my idols, like the images of beauty placed before me
Don’t’ let them see the gray areas in my life

Lord, please build my self-esteem
The cover of my false identity has been removed
The cover up has released its grip
I am faced with the reality of me
Help I loosing my promise!

My self-esteem has increased
I feel it rising from the depths of my soul
The look of social media is not my perfect image anymore
Realizing the beauty of me…

The Cover Up
I have a unique beauty

My hair is my own design

My shape is divine

I am beautiful in my own skin

In building my self-esteem the image of social media no longer applies
I look for ways to help me feel good about me
I celebrate the girl who has successfully achieved her perfect look 
I accept the challenge of loving me just the way I am

Lord thank you for building my self-esteem
For removing the false identity that has locked me in
I have been released from a cell of false identity
I am enjoying the beautiful reality of me